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Robert B. Sloan

Robert B. Sloan

President, Houston Christian University

Dr. Robert B. 斯隆是休斯顿浸会大学的校长,自9月1日起担任这一职务, 2006. Under Dr. Sloan’s visionary leadership, 随着他和他的行政团队继续实施这些目标,大学正经历着前所未有的发展, or pillars, in HBU’s twelve-year vision, The Ten Pillars: Faith and Reason in a Great City, and work to create a new vision document for the years beyond.
Though 2020 has brought many challenges, HBU posted a record fall enrollment for the eighth year in a row, with about 4,000 students enrolled in more than 100 degree programs. As reported by Dr. Sloan, many factors are responsible for this growth, 但最重要的是大学对其历史悠久的基督教使命的忠诚,以及对其十大支柱愿景的严格追求.
HBU强调提供最高质量的基督教教育,这在最近的许多发展中越来越明显, including the continued growth of its faculty of acclaimed Christian scholars, as well as significant growth in its academic programming. In the fall of 2018, the University launched its College of Engineering, 现已与科学与数学学院合并,成立科学与数学学院
Engineering. 该学院开设的创新本科专业包括网络工程, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. 最近的其他变化包括增加了第三个博士课程——精神健康和人类服务行政领导教育博士课程——以及许多硕士课程. HBU还扩大了其Pinky Pampell在线部门的研究生和本科生课程, 今年秋天,该校连续第四年迎来了最大的入学人数.
In the fall of 2016, 休斯敦大学与第二浸信会合作创办了休斯敦神学院,并启动了第一个博士项目, the EdD in Executive Educational Leadership, thus moving to the next level as a national, comprehensive university. Other graduate degree programs implemented during Dr. Sloan’s tenure include the Master of Arts in Christian Leadership, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Apologetics, Master of Arts in
Philosophy, Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, Master of Arts in Christian Psychology, Master
跨文化研究文科硕士,护理学理学硕士,以及其他许多学位. 对于本科生来说,令人兴奋的项目包括注册护士到学士学位,圣经研究文学学士,
Bachelor of Arts in Practical Theology, Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interactive Media and Digital Design, and Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, as
well as programs involving Great Texts and Classics.
Additional changes to the undergraduate academic program under Dr. 斯隆管理学院的领导包括设立荣誉学院,实施跨学科的文科核心课程,旨在让本科生与最伟大的思想家接触, authors, and artists in Western Civilization. As its visibility increases, 荣誉学院继续吸引对促进基督教世界观的优质教育感兴趣的优秀学生.
In the fall of 2018, 大学宣布了几位老朋友和支持者的主要捐赠. A generous gift from Dr. Stewart Morris and The Joella and Stewart Morris
基金会成立了莫里斯家庭法律和自由中心,并将资助建造一座仿照独立厅的教学楼. With this gift, Founding
Another major gift, from Advisory Trustee Jim Smith Sr. and his wife, Sherry, 会否拨款翻新及兴建教室空间及实验室设施,以供大学使用
College of Science and Engineering and the School of Nursing and Allied Health. 这座新建筑将以史密斯家族的名字命名,他们家族一直以来都在提供支持
HBU and its mission. This is the largest single gift in the history of the University.
During Dr. Sloan’s tenure, 哈佛大学还宣布,知名基督教企业高管阿奇. Dunham and his wife, Linda—and the naming of the Archie W.
Dunham College of Business. In addition, 该大学与贾尼斯和罗伯特·麦克奈尔夫妇合作建立了麦克奈尔创业和自由企业中心
其他因素有助于大学的发展和提高知名度博士期间. Sloan’s tenure include HBU’s return to full membership status in Division I of the NCAA; the decision to join the Southland Conference and play football; the construction of Dunham Field and Husky Stadium; ongoing implementation of HBU’s master plan through its US Highway 59 and Fondren project involving the construction of Belin Tower and Belin Drive, as well as an exciting retail development called The Pillars at HBU; the acquisition of the Bradshaw Fitness Center and the construction of two new buildings—the University Academic Center and the
imposing six-story residence facility called the Sadie and Doug Hodo Residence College; the steady growth of HBU’s on-campus residential population; and the recent implementation of various student life initiatives to promote student success, including the creation of the Doris and Terry Looper Learning Commons, which houses HBU’s Academic Success Center.
All these developments—and many still to come, including plans for additional doctoral programs—reflect the work of Dr. Sloan and his administrative team in implementing the goals
in HBU’s Ten Pillars vision.
Dr. Sloan serves on the Board of Directors of the Houston Symphony, the Greater Houston Partnership, the Cullen Trust for Higher Education, and Citizens Inc., a New York Stock
Exchange listed company. 他还任职于Memorial Hermann Healthcare System的社区关系委员会.
Dr. Sloan has pastored churches throughout Texas and beyond. He is the author of numerous articles, reviews, and other published works, 包括一个年轻的成人幻想系列的前两卷(哈梅林·斯托普的书). 该系列第三卷计划于2020年12月出版. He has received many prestigious awards and has held
membership in a number of professional societies, including the Society of Biblical Literature, the Southwest Biblical Seminar, the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, and
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas.
Dr. Sloan previously served as the president and chancellor of Baylor University, where he was a member of the faculty and the founding dean of George W. Truett Theological Seminary. He graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Baylor University in 1970; earned the Master of Divinity degree magna cum laude from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1973; conducted post-baccalaureate research at the University of Bristol, England, from 1973 to 1974; and earned the Doktor der Theologie insigni cum laude from the University of Basel, Switzerland, in 1978.
Dr. Robert B. Sloan was born in Coleman, Texas, and grew up in Abilene. He is married to the former Sue Collier of Cisco, Texas. The Sloans have seven children, three daughters-in-law, and four sons-in-law: Charissa and Derrick; Bryan and Amy; Eraina and Bryan; Michael and Ali; Alathea and Justin; Sophie and Mac; and Paul and Meghan. They also have twenty-two
Dr. Sloan blogs regularly about a variety of topics, including the Christian worldview and higher education.

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