




George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) has been chosen as one of the five North American locations where Airbus will study the feasibility of creating a hydrogen hub.  

The European multinational aerospace corporation is partnering with the Center for Houston’s Future (CHF) and Houston Airport System to examine the viability of equipping airports with the infrastructure to support hydrogen fuel for aircraft. 分析, 预计将于2025年3月结束, will focus on identifying potential opportunities and barriers to hydrogen usage at airports, 以及定义“端到端”氢供应链的要求, as Airbus works to achieve its goal of having hydrogen commercial aircraft operational and carrying passengers by 2035. 

“制造使用清洁氢的飞机可能需要一些时间, but we can begin today by looking at how we can use clean hydrogen in airport operations, such as ground equipment and public transportation so we can be ready for the future,CHF首席执行官布雷特·帕尔曼说. 

航空业越来越多地投资于可持续航空燃料(SAF)。, an alternative fuel made from non-petroleum feedstocks that reduces emissions from air transportation to reach net zero carbon goals.  根据美国.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载部,航空部门 占二氧化碳总排放量的2% 占全球交通运输二氧化碳排放量的12%. 这种协作可以帮助加速SAF技术的采用. 

“随着Hga010皇冠软件下载继续扩大和现代化Hga010皇冠软件下载的设施, 参与这项可持续发展研究至关重要,Jim Szczesniak说, 休斯顿市航空总监. “Continuing to build a sustainable airport system will ensure a healthy future for Houston, 吸引顶尖人才和企业, 并展示Hga010皇冠软件下载作为负责任的全球公民的承诺.” 

空中客车公司的声明是在最近创建的 可持续航空燃料联盟, 一个由主要航空公司组成的非营利组织, manufacturers and trade groups to advance the development of low-carbon fuels and decrease emissions in the industry. The organization will also advocate for federal policies that support the creation of a robust domestic market with lower prices and higher supply. 在休斯顿拥有强大影响力的联盟成员包括美国联合航空公司, 波音公司和美洲住友公司. 

其他SAF的发展包括 联合公司和Cemvita公司之间的协议, a Houston-based cleantech startup focused on applying synthetic biology to enable a sustainable energy transition, to supply the airline with up to one billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel from their first full-scale SAF plant over the next twenty years.  

Learn how the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World is leading the energy transition to a low-carbon, energy-abundant未来. 




休斯顿将继续引领皇冠HGA010官方下载转型, major corporations are making significant investments to ensure the region's workforce is equipped with the skills of tomorrow. 主要行业参与者埃克森美孚和柏克德最近宣布了一些举措, demonstrating their commitment to preparing and empowering the next generation of energy professionals. 埃克森美孚对STEM教育的承诺 The ExxonMobil Foundation recently donated $17 million to Khan Academy for the Open Doors Project. The initiative will allow Khan Academy to offer free Texas standards-aligned math and science courses for 3rd – 12th graders and teacher guides to facilitate the new courses.  与可汗学院的合作将加强STEM(科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学)学习的机会, ensuring students have the foundational knowledge and skills required to pursue careers in the energy industry and beyond.  柏克德的建筑职业道路 贝克特尔, 工程领域的全球领导者, 建设, 项目管理, 是否也在劳动力发展方面取得了重大进展. The company recently announced it offered 建设 careers to 15 graduating seniors from the pipefitter and welding Career and Technical 教育 (CTE) programs at Nederland High School and Port Arthur Memorial High School. 学生们通过该项目获得了实践经验和培训, allowing them to successfully move into careers at the Port Arthur Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Phase 1 project site.  “We are excited to offer jobs to these students who have gained the experience needed to complete their curriculum and start their path to becoming skilled craft professionals,凯恩·麦金托什说, 柏克德公司亚瑟港液化天然气项目经理. “Sempra Infrastructure and 贝克特尔 are committed to supporting Port Arthur and Southeast Texas, which includes training the next generation of workers who will deliver large-scale projects like Port Arthur LNG Phase 1.” 塑造皇冠HGA010官方下载的未来 The investments by ExxonMobil and 贝克特尔 are crucial for ensuring Houston remains at the forefront of the global energy industry. 通过关注教育和职业发展, these companies are fostering innovation and sustainable growth in the energy sector while addressing the current and future workforce needs. 了解更多关于该地区皇冠HGA010官方下载行业和劳动力发展计划的信息.  
航空航天 & 航空


NASA has awarded the University of Houston (UH) with a nearly $5 million grant to establish an aerospace engineering research center, aimed at bolstering the agency’s human space exploration efforts on the Moon and Mars.    The award is funded by the NASA Office of STEM Engagement Minority University Research and 教育 Project (MUREP) Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) program, which is a larger effort to distribute $45 million to 21 higher education institutions to accelerate aerospace research.  先进的设备, dubbed NASA MIRO Inflatable Deployable Environments and Adaptive Space Systems (IDEAS2) Center, will partner with the Johnson Space Center to develop scalable orbital and surface infrastructure and operational systems that enable humans to live and work in space long-term, 根据UH. 该中心还将与各种社区合作伙伴合作,如德克萨斯A& M大学, 休斯顿社区学院, 圣哈辛托学院, 公理空间和其他机构来推进这项工作.  另外, 中心将为毕业生提供就业机会, 本科, 初高中学生从事研究和动手学习, 鼓励和促进航空航天领域的职业发展.  “The vision of the IDEAS2 Center is to become a premier national innovation hub that propels NASA-centric, 最先进的研究和促进21世纪的航空航天教育,卡罗洛斯·格里戈里亚迪斯说, Moores Professor of Mechanical 工程 and director of the 航空航天 工程 Graduate Program at UH. 格里戈里阿迪斯是这一努力的先锋,并将领导中锋.  了解更多关于太空城的动态生态系统. 




大休斯顿合作伙伴邀请您参加周二的机场状况会议, December 5 featuring Director of 航空 for Houston 机场 Jim Szczesniak who was appointed in February 2024.…
