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NASA Selects UH to Establish New Space Research Center

Published May 21, 2024 by Hailea Schultz

UH Space Center

NASA has awarded the University of 休斯顿 (UH) with a nearly $5 million grant to establish an aerospace engineering research center, 旨在支持该机构在月球和火星上的人类太空探索工作.   

The award is funded by the NASA Office of STEM Engagement Minority University Research and 教育 Project (MUREP) Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) program, which is a larger effort to distribute $45 million to 21 higher education institutions to accelerate aerospace research. 

The cutting-edge facility, 被称为NASA MIRO充气可部署环境和自适应空间系统(IDEAS2)中心, will partner with the Johnson Space Center to develop scalable orbital and surface infrastructure and operational systems that enable humans to live and work in space long-term, according to UH. 该中心还将与各种社区合作伙伴合作,如德克萨斯A&M University, 休斯顿 Community College, San Jacinto College, Axiom Space and others to advance this work. 

Additionally, the center will offer opportunities for graduate, undergraduate, 初高中学生从事研究和动手学习, encouraging and promoting pathways to careers in aerospace. 

“IDEAS2中心的愿景是成为一个首屈一指的国家创新中心,推动以nasa为中心, 最先进的研究和促进21世纪的航空航天教育,” said Karolos Grigoriadis, 莫尔斯机械工程教授兼休斯敦大学航空航天工程研究生项目主任. Grigoriadis spearheaded the effort and will lead the center. 

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Avelo Airlines' First 休斯顿 Route Takes Flight

[PRESS RELEASE] - Avelo Airlines takes off today for the first time from 休斯顿 where the carrier was founded and operates its national Support Center. The airline's first 休斯顿 flight will inaugurate nonstop service between H-Town's most convenient airport – William P. 霍比机场(HOU) -和南康涅狄格州最方便的机场-特威德-纽黑文机场(HVN). Avelo是唯一一家提供从休斯顿市到康涅狄格州直飞服务的航空公司. Avelo将在周一和周五运营这条航线,每周两次, operating Boeing Next-Generation 737 aircraft. Low one-way fares start at $98*. Customers can make reservations at Avelo was founded in 休斯顿 in 2018 and made its public debut in April 2021 with its first flight from Los Angeles' Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR) to the Bay Area's Sonoma County Airport (STS). 通过这次飞行,Avelo成为近15年来美国第一家新航空公司. “今天是一个重要的里程碑,Hga010皇冠软件下载开启了Avelo从Hga010皇冠软件下载的家乡休斯顿出发的首个航班. This route will also connect our airline's national Support Center (headquarters) with the largest of our six bases. Avelo will be the only airline connecting 休斯顿 and Connecticut – which will make getting to the gateway to New England and New York easier, faster and more affordable than ever. 该航班还将使前往休斯顿的康涅狄格游客体验更简单、更顺畅. And when you consider we'll be flying from 休斯顿's most convenient airport – Hobby – it's 容易 to appreciate why we are so excited about Avelo's H-Town debut today." - Andrew Levy, Founder and CEO, Avelo Airlines "休斯顿 Airports is proud to celebrate the launch of Avelo Airlines' new nonstop service from Hobby Airport to Connecticut. This exciting partnership offers our passengers even more convenient travel options between 休斯顿 and the Northeast. Avelo对可负担性的承诺与Hga010皇冠软件下载连接人们的使命完全一致, businesses, and cultures to 休斯顿. With this new route, 霍比机场进一步巩固了其作为Skytrax北美最佳区域机场的地位." - Jim Szczesniak, Director of 航空, 休斯顿 Airports 今天往返于HOU和HVN之间的Avelo客户将享受到门口的庆祝和欢呼, including commemorative boarding passes, local 休斯顿 bites, 在飞机抵达时,一名音乐家和一门水枪向飞机敬礼. 航空公司高管将与城市和机场官员一起庆祝这一历史性时刻. The route's inauguration underscores the strategic significance of both 休斯顿 and New Haven within Avelo Airlines' extensive network. 休斯顿, 以其充满活力的商业景观和充满活力的文化景观而闻名, 作为航空公司的支持中心(航空公司如何称呼其总部)的所在地. 大约200名机组人员(航空公司对员工的称呼)驻扎在休斯敦的绿道广场. New Haven boasts the airline's largest operational base. 特威德-纽黑文机场-纽黑文通往新英格兰和纽约的路 HVN is located on Connecticut's scenic coast and is a convenient gateway to all 15 towns that make up Greater New Haven. HVN's adjacency to multiple major highways and commuter railways makes visiting the New England and New York regions easier than ever. The airport is a refreshingly smooth and simple alternative hometown airport experience that will make visiting Southern Connecticut faster, easier and more relaxing than ever. Best known as the home of Yale University, 纽黑文是康涅狄格州第二大城市,也是纽约大都市区的一部分. 这座沿海城市经历了并将继续享受着复兴. 从纽黑文绿地步行即可到达100多家特色餐厅, offering something for every palate, and the city abounds with theaters, 博物馆, 和购物目的地,以满足所有的兴趣和口味. 去年, New Haven joined iconic cities like Auckland, 伦敦和伊斯坦布尔入选著名的《Hga010皇冠软件下载》2023年“52个必去的地方”名单. 无论是探亲访友,还是只是想去度假, 在康涅狄格的文化之都有很多值得探索的地方. America's Most Convenient Airline 自2021年4月28日起飞以来,Avelo已经飞行了4次以上.7 million Customers on over 37,000 flights. 今天,Avelo服务于横跨24个州和波多黎各的53个目的地. Avelo has unlocked a new era of convenience, 选择, 通过飞往全国各地服务不足的社区的无人航线进行竞争. Every route has at least one small, 容易 to use airport. This makes every Avelo journey a smooth, 容易, and more enjoyable experience than contending with the crowds, congestion, and long walks at larger airports. Avelo is distinguished by its industry-leading reliability. 5月, the airline ranked #1 in on-time performance and delivered the lowest flight cancellation rate in the industry – the second straight month Avelo led the industry in both metrics. Additionally, for the first five months of 2024, Avelo在准点率方面攀升至第一名,在所有美国航空公司中保持着第二低的航班取消率.S. 航空公司. These results are reported by Anuvu, a leading aviation data services company also utilized by The Wall Street Journal for the publication's annual airline ranking. Avelo的客户可以随时更改或取消他们的行程,而无需支付额外费用. Additionally, families can travel with ease knowing every child 13 and under will be automatically seated with an accompanying adult at no additional cost. Avelo offers advanced seat assignments for sale. One third of its seats are extra leg room seats, ranging from 32 inches to more than 36 inches, 为看重更多空间的客户提供更舒适的体验. In addition to advance seat assignments, Avelo offers several unbundled travel-enhancing options that give Customers the flexibility to pay only for what they value, including priority boarding, checked bags, carry-on overhead bags, and bringing a pet in the cabin. 关于 Avelo Airlines Avelo航空公司的宗旨是通过节省人们的时间和金钱来激励旅行. 这家总部位于休斯顿的航空公司为旅客提供省时省钱的便利, everyday low fares, and a refreshingly smooth, 有爱心的, and reliable travel experience. Operating a fleet of 16 Boeing Next-Generation 737 aircraft, Avelo serves 53 popular destinations across the United States, 包括位于洛杉矶好莱坞伯班克机场的6个基地, Southern Connecticut's Tweed-New Haven Airport (HVN), Orlando International Airport (MCO), 费城和特拉华河谷地区的威尔明顿机场(ILG), Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU), and the Bay Area's Sonoma County Airport (STS). For more information visit or the Avelo 新闻room at For more information, please contact: 麦迪逊 Jones Avelo Airlines 麦迪逊 Augusto Bernal 休斯顿 Airport System 麦迪逊
航空航天 & 航空

Hydrogen Fuel Experiment to Take Off at IAH

George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) has been chosen as one of the five North American locations where Airbus will study the feasibility of creating a hydrogen hub.   The European multinational aerospace corporation is partnering with the Center for 休斯顿’s Future (CHF) and 休斯顿 Airport System to examine the viability of equipping airports with the infrastructure to support hydrogen fuel for aircraft. The analysis, expected to conclude in March 2025, 是否将重点放在识别机场使用氢的潜在机会和障碍上, 以及定义“端到端”氢供应链的要求, as Airbus works to achieve its goal of having hydrogen commercial aircraft operational and carrying passengers by 2035.  “制造使用清洁氢的飞机可能需要一些时间, 但Hga010皇冠软件下载今天可以从如何在机场运营中使用清洁氢开始, 比如地面设备和公共交通,这样Hga010皇冠软件下载就可以为未来做好准备,” CHF CEO Brett Perlman said.  航空业越来越多地投资于可持续航空燃料(SAF)。, an alternative fuel made from non-petroleum feedstocks that reduces emissions from air transportation to reach net zero carbon goals.  According to the U.S. Department of 皇冠HGA010官方下载, aviation accounts for 2 percent of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and 12 percent of all CO2 emissions from transportation worldwide. 这种协作可以帮助加速SAF技术的采用.  “As we continue to expand and modernize our facilities, participating in this sustainability study is crucial,” said Jim Szczesniak, 航空 Director for the City of 休斯顿. “继续建设一个可持续的机场系统将确保休斯顿有一个健康的未来, attract top talent and businesses, 并展示Hga010皇冠软件下载作为负责任的全球公民的承诺.”  在空中客车宣布这一消息之前,最近成立了可持续航空燃料联盟, a nonprofit made up of key airlines, manufacturers and trade groups to advance the development of low-carbon fuels and decrease emissions in the industry. The organization will also advocate for federal policies that support the creation of a robust domestic market with lower prices and higher supply. 在休斯顿拥有强大影响力的联盟成员包括美国联合航空公司, the Boeing Company and Sumitomo Corporation of Americas.  其他SAF发展包括联合航空和Cemvita公司之间的协议, a 休斯顿-based cleantech startup focused on applying synthetic biology to enable a sustainable energy transition, to supply the airline with up to one billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel from their first full-scale SAF plant over the next twenty years.   了解世界皇冠HGA010官方下载之都如何引领皇冠HGA010官方下载向低碳转型, energy-abundant future. 

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